
Tag: collaboration

  • Can Virtual Worlds Save TV ?

    What may save TV may also truly grow Social Virtual Worlds. As online audiences continue to ignore TV and vanilla/social virtual worlds suffer from a lack of direction, perhaps the marriage of the two will save both from irrelevancy? A report by Gary Hazlitt in various TV branded virtual world spaces. (original post on personalizemedia)…

  • Advertising & Marketing for Social Virtual Worlds

    A presentation I gave last month at the Online Networking and Business Collaboration conference. This is one of twenty or so I did on a similar topic (engaging with virtual world inhabitants and game players) through 2008. The presentation broadly looks at 4 key areas The Actual Audience – who they are, what their demo…

  • Thursday’s, One of the Five Must-See-Sites

    Thursday’s Fictions built in collaboration with Physical TV has received much critical acclaim since its launch in mid 2007 here is a sample first 20 of voluntary comments delivered in-world. If you have Secondlife installed on your machine click this SLURL to go there now One of the Five Must-See Sites in Second Life. Bettina Tizzy,…