

  • Social Media Counts – iPad App

    This is a brief description and support page for the October 2010 released iPad app Social Media Counts one of several non-client commissioned MUVEDesign smartphone apps. Get it via the or go to the 1.0 RELEASE VERSION 1.0 – Description and screen shot Social Media Counts is an amazing and hypnotic real time display of…

  • iPad 4.0 & Near Future Augmented Reality Recognition 4 Biz just posted a detailed look at a video entitled Augmented Worlds Video Part One – Recognition. The focus is looking specifically at the business model implications of the widespread use of a large tablet AR device and super fast, always on tagged/recognisable content. There are other videos in the series covering education, games &…

  • MUVEDesign develop Augmented & Mixed Reality Apps

    MUVEDesign are now developing a range of augmented reality apps, particularly aimed at the new iPhone 3Gs and are happy to accept enquiries from interested parties. For those unfamiliar with AR there are some videos below that give a sense of the area. Simply put AR is the physical, real world seen through a live…

  • The Virtual Worlds Hype Cycle for 2009

    We are well into 2009 and there is a lot of news popping about the likely growth of social virtual worlds and their adoption. As a tangent game based virtual worlds are also still in relative growth as covered in SMH’s post Video games thrash movies and DVD, referring to the shift in Australia and…