Tag: google
Social Media Counts – iPad App
This is a brief description and support page for the October 2010 released iPad app Social Media Counts one of several non-client commissioned MUVEDesign smartphone apps. Get it via the or go to the 1.0 RELEASE VERSION 1.0 – Description and screen shot Social Media Counts is an amazing and hypnotic real time display of…
Layered Virtual Worlds Pt II
OK you may have spotted quite a few characters living on this post 🙂 Originally there were ‘video-real’ talking, salesy character centered on the page courtesy of CLIVEvideo but I still talk about them more below. A few months ago I blogged over in personalizemedia about the new kid on the intranet block, those ‘layered’…
Marketing Opportunities in Social Virtual Worlds
My slides below from my presentation at one of Australia’s industries leading advertising conferences yesterday which I had previously blogged about “The Advertising and Marketing Summit” It was a jam packed room with around 400 attendees of marketing movers and shakers. I closed the second day with the talk on ‘engaging in virtual communities’ followed…