
Tag: flickr

  • Social Media Counts – iPad App

    This is a brief description and support page for the October 2010 released iPad app Social Media Counts one of several non-client commissioned MUVEDesign smartphone apps. Get it via the or go to the 1.0 RELEASE VERSION 1.0 – Description and screen shot Social Media Counts is an amazing and hypnotic real time display of…

  • Stunning Deakin Second Life Build

    [youtube width=”480″ height=”295″][/youtube] A video insight into the build process of the new Deakin Arts Education Centre Island built and designed by MUVEDesign’s Gary Hayes completed early 2008. Jenny Grenfell, Arts Lecturer at Deakin said: “This Deakin University Arts Education community in Second Life aims to stir the imagination. It is a world we create…