Tag: CEO
The Browser as Virtual World Final Frontier
As I have mentioned on many of my blogs (especially Personalizemedia) virtual worlds (as 3D navigable spaces) will only really take off when there is an effective, easy to use, existing web browser implementation. We already have early entrants here such as Yoville, Vivaty, NewLively, Habbo etc: but these suffer as they are not particularly…
Marketing Opportunities in Social Virtual Worlds
My slides below from my presentation at one of Australia’s industries leading advertising conferences yesterday which I had previously blogged about “The Advertising and Marketing Summit” It was a jam packed room with around 400 attendees of marketing movers and shakers. I closed the second day with the talk on ‘engaging in virtual communities’ followed…
Talk Transcript: Opportunities in Disruptive 3D Social Worlds
NOTE: Based on my sticky post ‘The Brand Owners Guide to Joining the Metaverse“. As promised a rough transcript of my keynote talk to CeBit last week based on my experience of actually building some Second Life sims, talking to those who use them and creating branded environments that have more usage than any others…