
Tag: Sony

  • Global Investment in Virtual Worlds

    …and a little end of 2008 Virtual Worlds, State of Play… it has been suggested several times recently that games & social virtual worlds especially will really suffer in this economic downturn and may not survive. Which leads to the point of this post to put things in a little perspective. IS THERE REAL INVESTMENT?…

  • How Companies Can Be Social in Virtual Worlds

    . Virtual Worlds Necessitate Corporations Develop Personality followed by Gary’s top 15 tips to becoming human in the metaverse (and 2D socio-nets). I have been doing a lot of work moving brands, properties and companies into Second Life recently and in the process I am often forcibly reminded of the divide that naturally exists, in…

  • Talk Transcript: Opportunities in Disruptive 3D Social Worlds

    NOTE: Based on my sticky post ‘The Brand Owners Guide to Joining the Metaverse“. As promised a rough transcript of my keynote talk to CeBit last week based on my experience of actually building some Second Life sims, talking to those who use them and creating branded environments that have more usage than any others…