
Tag: Second

  • Social Media Counts – iPad App

    This is a brief description and support page for the October 2010 released iPad app Social Media Counts one of several non-client commissioned MUVEDesign smartphone apps. Get it via the or go to the 1.0 RELEASE VERSION 1.0 – Description and screen shot Social Media Counts is an amazing and hypnotic real time display of…

  • Will Shadows increase immersion in Second Life?

    A cross posting from JustVirtual but there has been lots of excitement about Second Life becoming a more ‘evocative’ engine (visually speaking) for at least 18 months with lots of posts and short demo videos. Recently the Illclan’ers posted an item suggesting we are quite close to having an official Linden Lab release here, Dynamic…

  • CNN Puts it’s Foot Down in Second Life

    I received an email from Karen iReport (Second Life name obviously) that CNN have now moved on from a small ‘hub’ presence in Second Life and onto their own island – which now includes a ‘classic’ automotive theme. It is great to see a positive growth move from CNN given the exit of Reuters not…

  • Extending Entertainment Into Virtual Worlds

    I have talked a lot about Mixed Reality Entertainment on my media blog personalizemedia and how one of the most innovative uses of virtual space is to extend the TV or Film property into a 24/7, participatory environment.  The reason for doing this is to drive traffic to the TV or Film but also to…

  • Why Create Marketing Machinima?

    Social Media and Web 2.0 is a lot about providing the tools and therefore the means for everyone to create content, that they believe others may want to see. I have personally created a lot of corporate, professional entertainment and music films over the years using high end equipment but now, like many millions around…

  • Layered Virtual Worlds Pt II

    OK you may have spotted quite a few characters living on this post 🙂 Originally there were ‘video-real’ talking, salesy character centered on the page courtesy of CLIVEvideo but I still talk about them more below. A few months ago I blogged over in personalizemedia about the new kid on the intranet block, those ‘layered’…

  • Stunning Deakin Second Life Build

    [youtube width=”480″ height=”295″][/youtube] A video insight into the build process of the new Deakin Arts Education Centre Island built and designed by MUVEDesign’s Gary Hayes completed early 2008. Jenny Grenfell, Arts Lecturer at Deakin said: “This Deakin University Arts Education community in Second Life aims to stir the imagination. It is a world we create…

  • How Companies Can Be Social in Virtual Worlds

    . Virtual Worlds Necessitate Corporations Develop Personality followed by Gary’s top 15 tips to becoming human in the metaverse (and 2D socio-nets). I have been doing a lot of work moving brands, properties and companies into Second Life recently and in the process I am often forcibly reminded of the divide that naturally exists, in…

  • Gary Hayes Creation of Telstra’s “The Pond”

    From the Telstra media release 9 March 2007 “BigPond enters “Second Life” virtual world – BigPond today launched Australia’s first major corporate presence in the online virtual world, Second Life, with the unveiling of ‘The Pond’. The Pond features islands with uniquely Australian themes and recreations of iconic Australian landmarks such as the Sydney Harbour…

  • Talk Transcript: Opportunities in Disruptive 3D Social Worlds

    NOTE: Based on my sticky post ‘The Brand Owners Guide to Joining the Metaverse“. As promised a rough transcript of my keynote talk to CeBit last week based on my experience of actually building some Second Life sims, talking to those who use them and creating branded environments that have more usage than any others…