
Tag: paradigm

  • Can Virtual Worlds Save TV ?

    What may save TV may also truly grow Social Virtual Worlds. As online audiences continue to ignore TV and vanilla/social virtual worlds suffer from a lack of direction, perhaps the marriage of the two will save both from irrelevancy? A report by Gary Hazlitt in various TV branded virtual world spaces. (original post on personalizemedia)…

  • Extending Entertainment Into Virtual Worlds

    I have talked a lot about Mixed Reality Entertainment on my media blog personalizemedia and how one of the most innovative uses of virtual space is to extend the TV or Film property into a 24/7, participatory environment.  The reason for doing this is to drive traffic to the TV or Film but also to…

  • Layered Virtual Worlds Pt II

    OK you may have spotted quite a few characters living on this post 🙂 Originally there were ‘video-real’ talking, salesy character centered on the page courtesy of CLIVEvideo but I still talk about them more below. A few months ago I blogged over in personalizemedia about the new kid on the intranet block, those ‘layered’…